Healthy Diet Plans >>  Acid Alkaline Diet

Acid Alkaline Diet


An alkaline diet is also referred to as acid alkaline diet or alkaline acid diet. Legumes, nuts, tubers, roots, fruits and vegetables are the essential part of an alkaline diet. It includes reduced amount of processed foods. The pH of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. An alkaline diet affects the pH of the blood and increases the secretion of alkali containing urine. An acid producing diet is supposed to affect the mineral status of the body, thereby increasing the risk of illnesses.

Individuals on nasal congestion, ovarian cyst, lack of energy, anxiety, nervousness, excessive mucus and cold and flu in a frequent manner are.

Increased intake of alkaline diet results in alkalosis. Reduced availability of carbon dioxide causes respiratory alkalosis. Typical symptoms of alkalosis include nausea, vomiting, numbness, confusion, tingling sensation, muscle twitching and light headedness and muscle spasms. The residue or remnants left by foods, after metabolism refers to the kind of food. Alkaline foods are those that result in an alkaline based residue. Cooked foods are alkaline in nature. Vegetables and fresh fruits are also a part of an alkaline diet.

Acid producing foods such as processed foods and simple sugars are avoided. Processing of foods, affect the alkalinity of foods. Processed foods and simple sugars are not only acid producing, but also raise the blood glucose levels, thereby affecting the health of the individual. Certain drinks, such as carrot juice, juice of green leaves, citrus juices, pineapple, celery and beet juice are alkali forming juices. A major portion of the intake, around 75 to 80 per cent, should comprise of alkali forming foods. A maximum of 20 to 25 per cent of acid producing foods are recommended.

Some of the alkaline vegetables are cabbage, asparagus, celery, garlic, beans, carrot, spinach, lettuce, onion, kale, brussels sprouts, tomatoes, red cabbage and peas. Avocado, lemon, watermelon, rhubarb and grapefruit are alkaline fruits. Lemon water, herbal tea, almond milk, vegetable juice, soy milk and vegetable broth are alkaline drinks.

A diet high in acid producing foods affects the neutrality of the blood. The pH of blood is in the range of 7.35 to 7.45. When the levels increase more than 7.8, or reduce to lesser than 6.8, it affects the functioning of the cells, thereby resulting in death. High acid producing foods affects the neutrality of blood. Depletion of certain minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium are seen to occur with acidic diets, such as caffeine, sugars, processed foods and animal protein. This also results in degenerative diseases, such as osteoporosis, as demineralization is seen.

Alkaline Diet List

There are several substances that are present within the human body, which include certain acids as well as base alkaline substances. The levels of both the acids, as well as the alkali base, which are measured in pH values, should be within the normal ranges at all times, so that the body can function in the right manner. In case a person begins to observe high acid or alkaline symptoms, it could be indicative of an increase or a decrease in either acids or the alkali base in the body. These conditions are commonly referred to as acidosis and alkalosis, in the medical world. Both acidosis as well as alkalosis could further lead to some serious health problems and conditions. Therefore, it is essential to know about the symptoms of alkalosis as well as the various acidic blood symptoms, so that they can be analyzed correctly. It is also important to consult a doctor, for confirmation of the conditions.

What is alkalosis?

Alkalosis can be described as a condition, in which the levels of alkali base in the body, reach an abnormally high level. It is the kidneys and the lungs that regulate the levels of base and acid in the body. In case there is a decrease in the level of carbon dioxide, which is an acid, or an increase of a base known as bicarbonate, the alkaline levels in the body go too high, leading to alkalosis. There are different types of alkalosis, such as respiratory alkalosis, metabolic alkalosis, hypochloremic alkalosis, hypokalemic alkalosis and compensated alkalosis and the causes for each type may vary. The symptoms of alkalosis may also vary, depending on the type and the severity of the condition.

Alkalosis symptoms

Some of the most common signs and symptoms that have been associated with alkalosis include:

•  Muscle twitching
•  Irritability
•  Confusion
•  Tetany or prolonged muscle spasms
•  Tremor in the hands
•  Tingling or numbness in the face
•  Nausea and vomiting
•  Feeling light headed

At times, alkalosis may be accompanied by symptoms that are more severe and perhaps even alarming. It is important to seek emergency help, in case a person suffering from alkalosis has difficulty in breathing, gets seizures or loses consciousness.

Alkalosis causes

There could be many factors that lead to alkalosis, including following a high alkaline diet on a daily basis. However, there are certain alkaline diet benefits too, for the human body. Therefore it is important to follow a diet, which contains just the right amounts of alkaline foods and not an excess. Some or the other causes of alkalosis are:

•  Conditions that cause excessive vomiting, where the body loses hydrochloric acid, along with the other content in the    stomach
•  Severe cases of diarrhea, because of which the body loses basic fluid
•  An excessive intake of sodium bicarbonate, mainly to relieve stomach acid
•  Loss of carbonic acid, which occurs with rapid breathing

Alkalosis treatment

The treatment of this condition may vary, as it depends entirely on the type of alkalosis, as well as its causes. At times, a person may also receive a supply of oxygen for a while. However, there are some ways of preventing alkalosis, by regulating the levels of base alkali in the body. Since there are several foods, including fruits and vegetables that cause the levels of alkali in the body to rise, it may be best to get a list of such foods and then avoid them.

What is uric acid?

Uric acid can be described as waste matter that is produced after the metabolism of purines in the body. The levels of uric acid should always be within the normal range, because an excess of this acid could lead to a painful condition known as gout. The excess of uric acid in the body has also been associated with the formation of kidney stones. Hence the high acidic diet symptoms are similar to the symptoms of gout and kidney problems. The most common factor that leads to an excess of this acid in the body, is following a high uric acid diet, which mainly includes foods that are high in purines. In order to prevent in excess of uric acid in the body, it may be best to follow an alkaline diet meal plan or a uric acid reduction diet, which mainly comprises uric acid reduction foods and herbs.

What is an alkaline diet meal plan?

An alkaline diet chart is fairly simple to understand and is not so difficult to follow. A person who is following an alkaline diet plan needs to ensure that no more than 25% of the foods that are consumed are acidic. This means that the remaining 75% of the foods should be alkaline in nature. This diet plan is ideal for those people who suffer from levels of low base in the body, as it helps to keep the alkaline level at a healthy 7.4 pH, or so. The main idea of following an alkaline diet menu is to counter the levels of acid in the body that can rise occasionally, because of the foods that are consumed. An alkaline diet list generally puts extra emphasis on alkaline fruits and vegetables. Given below are some of the foods that are usually included in an alkaline diet meal plan or a uric acid diet chart:

•  Apples
•  Artichoke
•  Asparagus
•  Bananas
•  Blackberries
•  Beetroot
•  Broccoli
•  Brussels sprouts
•  Cabbage
•  Carrots
•  Celery
•  Cucumber
•  Garlic
•  Lettuce
•  Onions
•  Oranges
•  Peas 
•  Pineapples
•  Radish
•  Raisins
•  Spinach
•  Turnip
•  Wheat

Some of the main advantages of the various alkaline diet recipes are that they are readily available through online resources and are quite easy to fix. Health experts recommend following the alkaline diet for cancer prevention, for weight loss and several other health benefits. Contrary to the common belief, lemon is alkaline in nature too, and therefore, it is possible to fix several recipes, using lemon alkaline food. However, lemon is alkaline and acidic in nature and therefore, it may be best to check with a doctor, about the feasibility of using lemon.

What Causes Increased Uric Acid Levels?

One of the main causes of increased uric acid levels in the body is dehydration which can affect the functioning of the kidneys and cause uric acid build-up in the body. Purine rich foods like red meats, organs and certain seafood can also elevate the levels of uric acid in the body. Obesity, certain cancers, medications and excessive alcohol consumption can also cause high uric acid levels in the body.  In most cases doctors advise specific uric acid diets to reduce uric acid in blood. Foods like tofu, olives, cereals, vinegar fruits and vegetables are strongly recommended to lower uric acid levels in the blood.
Submitted on January 16, 2014